This post is dedicated to Wallace and Gromit. I decided to include images from one of their contraptions books and the art of Wallace and Gromit book, as I really like the illustrations that they include within them and the style in which they produce their books, this includes the layout, colour scheme, content, the way they write and communicate with the audience and the illustrations which they include.
I like the layout of this book and the minimal amount of text across the two pages, I like the overall appearance of the illustrations as they are grungy and work well with the style of the book.
I love the styles of these drawing and how they are very randomly layered and positioned across the pages, I feel I could include and produce hand drawn cars in this way and scan and layer them up into my brochure, I want to create a free and wild look to the pages so that they are not restricted. This style of drawing reminds me of the work from one of my favorite illustrators of the book 'Simon's Cat'.
I like the hand drawn effect and I feel that the pencil writing creates an initial thought and that it is the original, it allows the audience to engage with the diagram more and I feel that it adds more of a personal effect in the book. I think that I could include these alongside my text and layer it up and include my own handwriting to add an aspect of me into the brochure.
I feel that these page layouts create a thought and thinking process, I feel that it inspires their layouts and book design as well as inspiring the audience. These images are suitable for their target audience of younger children due to the style of drawing, I would need to make my images look more suitable and professional.
I love the front cover of this book as it reflects the imagery and style of the book within it, the drawings are fun, creative and detailed, I really like the material and the colour and texture of it which it has been printed onto, this is the colour that I think I want the pages of my brochure to be as it shows an age process and a development process. I also like the typeface choices which have been used as they are dark and creative and reflect the content of the book. I want to be very experimental with my typeface choices and interact them with my images and illustrations so that I can create strong. innovative and visual page layouts.
The layout of these two double page spreads follow a theme and a style and I really like the overall feel of the pages, I like the landscape layout, I feel this is very effective and is the layout and orientation which I want to produce my brochure in. The imagery is strong and the black and white line drawing is really effective and works well with the chosen background as it gives the feeling of designing and development throughout the book. It also feels as if there is a contrast between modern and fresh design and older more time relating design.
I love the background of this DPS, I don't whether this will be suitable for my brochure design as the style of it is very modern and fresh in appearance so it might conflict with certain areas of my design. However, I could use it towards the end of my brochure when i talk about the modern day beetle.
This page I feel is very effective and it helps break up the content within the book, I feel the space around this image is effective and the graphed squares add the design qualities too it. I want to duplicate this page and incorporate it into my brochure with the VW beetle, I will layer and set it out in a similar way to this.