This post talks about and shows the works of artists, illustrators and photographers in whose work has caught my eye and I feel that their designs and creative methods will influence my project and help strengthen my designs.
Owen Davey
He graduated with a BA(Hons) in Illustration and started a career in Freelance Illustration, he works closely with Chris Boyce.
Davey has produced a range of successful pieces including his debut Children's Book, Foxly's Feast and has created work for Britain, America, Australia, Germany and Russia.
Davey is an illustrator, to whom I love his work and designs that he has produced and after looking through his portfolio of work, I think that his style will definitely blend in with my original design of what I want my brochure to look like and will improve and make me push my design abilities further and will also help bring and apply the modern twist into my brochure.
I like the run down and mottled effect of the background and how it has been applied to the images on top of it. I want some of my pages and images to have effects like this applied to them as I feel it is really effective and shows an effective aged appearance and creates a style which I think will be very appealing.
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This is an image of a magazine spread that he designed. I love the colour scheme and the techniques he uses and how he communicates with the audience. I really like how he has the layout of his magazine as it is very relaxed and free on the page, I feel it is quite effective and would be a suitable style and layout for a DPS in my brochure.
I love this image and I think I will create a design in this way which uses a vector of a VW Beetle in the same way and then apply onto the background I have found in previous research.
I included this image because I liked how the shape of the map has been created into an animal and it made me think about how I could use the outline of a Beetle and fill it with lines and designs to make it more visually appealing and interesting to the audience.
I like the idea behind this design and the way it has been pieced together and the white space makes it clear to move around. I could create a range of different coloured Beetles and produce them in this layout, I could make it more powerful by designing one for each year of the development that the Beetle went through and include the date along with it too.
I could produce the same style and idea from the design above.
I included this image of the bull because I like the grunge appearance that it has and how the colour makes it very strong and sets the feel on it. This will influence me to produce a VW Beetle in this very same way and colour effects as I think it will look very strong and will stand out from my DPS's. I will include typography with the image as this will definitely strengthen it and make it more interesting to look at and it will help feed it in with the body text.
I love the layout of this DPS as the typography is effective and it works and leads the eye into the follow on page. I feel that the body text layout could be more experimental as it's rather boring with the layout, I think that Davey could've designed it so that it went over onto the second page. I love the big image and the style that it has been produced in, I could definitely use this to influence the design and layout for the opening page of stories within my brochure.
Chris Boyce
This section is on illustrator Chris Boyce who is friends with and works closely with Owen Davey. I feel that the style of some of his work is going to influence the content and how I present it in my brochure and make it appeal to the audience.
I love this T-shirt design, as the use of the dotted line pointing to the silhouette is fun and simple, it made me think about using this technique with the Beetle and having vector images coming off from the Bug and showing what the parts are, or what goes on that certain area or to create a range of Beetles in this way to show how they have developed over time visually.
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I love these three images because I like the layouts of them and the style in which they have been produced. They look very clean due to the space around them and they are very simple designs which makes them quite strong.
I love the hand drawn feel and effect that you get from this image
Mark Weaver
Mark Weaver has also worked with Chris Boyce and I feel that his designs are simple yet very effective and clever how he communicates a message in them and forces it upon the audience. I love his DPS layouts as these are really strong and the will influence me with my layout design.
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For both these pieces, I like the use of text over an image as it makes the audience look further into the design, I also like how the words associate themselves with the image as this creates a strong connection between the two. I think this could be a creative way to break up the quantity of text and information within the brochure by including a few pages with artwork on.
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Below are a series of DPS's that I think are very strong and the layouts of them are effective and I feel will be useful when it comes to designing and organizing my brochure content.
These are very strong and I think that the way that the imagery connects and works alongside the text is one of the strongest layouts I have researched into throughout this blog. I love the strength of the colours and how he has incorporated a very strong perspective into the pages. I think I could take elements from his designs and layouts to influence how I present my pages, but I feel that they are probably to crowded and busy which will result in it looking weak and as if I'm trying to cram everything into one space.
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These series of designs that he has produced I feel are very effective and have an 'off the wall' feel to them. I like how there is a mixture of photography with vectors and geometric shapes and how he has merged many layers together to create very strong and visual pieces. I included these images because I liked the simple layout of each of them and I felt that this could influence my layouts.
Paul Smith
Paul Smith is an English fashion designer who is commercially successful and highly respected within the fashion industry.
I feel that Paul Smith's work on the mini imagery and how he has applied this image to a selection of materials and formats would help influence my project due to the appearance of the mini and how it is very modern and sophisticated.
I love his design style and overall finishing of pieces of work as they are produced to a very high standard and they strongly engage with the target audience and are very contemporary and modern.
Paul Smith
I like how he has designed this as it is fun to look at and it leads the eye on a journey around the image. This style of design made me think about how I will connect the DPS's together and how I can make the audiences eyes move through the pages easily and smoothly. I think I could include the dotted lines to run across each of my DPS's, if I create them effectively I can link them in and behind imagery and text and it could also act as a timeline.
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These are glass bottle designs that Paul Smith has designed. I really like the typography and the positioning and leading used on his cologne bottle, it is creative and interesting.
I also love the design he has created on the Evian bottle and the shape of the bottle. It looks very sleek and makes the audience want to buy them because they look very collectable.
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These are two T-shirt designs designed by Paul Smith, I really like the style of design that he has used on them. The typography he has used to create the elephant is clear and strong, I really like the size variations he has used to create shadow, movement and perspective elements in the design. I love the small blocked section of colour he has included as this draws the viewers eye into the designer and the name of the design.
I could use these two styles of designs by creating a VW Beetle out of clean typography and I could create a vector of the Beetle and apply textures onto the top of it. I think that these can influence the designs for my brochure pages quite effectively.
I could use these two styles of designs by creating a VW Beetle out of clean typography and I could create a vector of the Beetle and apply textures onto the top of it. I think that these can influence the designs for my brochure pages quite effectively.
The Mini
This section focuses in on the special limited edition mini which he produced to celebrate the Mini's 50th anniversary and to coincide with 'Shopping Week'. The mini was shown to the public in October 2009. I feel that the designs and appearance of the mini is very successful and I feel that it is relevant to and for my project because I could create similar effects for the VW Beetle as I feel that it would be successful and engage with the target audience.
This section focuses in on the special limited edition mini which he produced to celebrate the Mini's 50th anniversary and to coincide with 'Shopping Week'. The mini was shown to the public in October 2009. I feel that the designs and appearance of the mini is very successful and I feel that it is relevant to and for my project because I could create similar effects for the VW Beetle as I feel that it would be successful and engage with the target audience.
I like how the paint on this is very washed out and run down as it still looks and feels modern yet at the same time shows signs of aging.
I really like these as I think they are fun, modern and an effective design. They made me think how I could transfer this style of design and relate it to the presentation of a VW. I could create a vector image similar to this in the shape of a Beetle.
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These are images of Paul Smith's Mini that he designed. It is fun, colourful and has a lot of attitude and personality.
I love this wallet design, the texture of it is really strong and works well with the mini. I like the style of it and how it links modern design of the mini in with an aged effect.
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I love the designs on these bags as they are quite grungy or elegant and they combine different elements together. I really like the mini behind the trees image as I like the overall appearance of it and I feel it could influence the style of my design.
The style of photography is very striking and powerful. I feel if I were to include imagery like this of VW Beetles, it will help make create a link and smooth transaction from the old to the new. I think with imagery like this you could be quite experimental with typography which would help make the image look more striking to the eye and it would interact with the audience more effectively and make it feel more modern and contemporary,
These prints were designed by Richard Woods for Paul Smith. I feel that they are strong and effective and I love the style and effect of them. I think that these could easily be linked in with my work as I could cut into lino the shape of a VW Beetle and print a range of prints and use bright colours for impact, I could then take it into Photoshop and add a grungy filter onto the top of it.
With the research into these artists, photographers and illustrators, I feel it is going to influence me strongly and it has given me a range and varied ideas that I can produce and include in my brochure and it has reassured me off the style that I want to produce and achieve and how I can effectively link the feel I want, in with the Beetles.
Laura Carlin
I really like Laura's style of work as it has a very hand drawn appearance to it and I like the print like effect to her pieces. This I feel will influence a few of my pages within my book as I want to break up the quantity of text pages and feel that producing work in this style will allow me to do this.
Laura has won many awards including the Quentin Blake award two years running along with many other national awards for her magazines and illustrations.
She works mainly in her sketchbook in the studio or the location she is in and her strongest and most interested styles of drawing include painting and profile drawing, with her drawing she has learnt from and about mistakes within artwork and appreciates the white space.
I like how she has used the white space and the arrangement of objects on the page, I feel the printed effect is really strong and I want to produce something similar to this within my book design. I want to create a hand cut out print design of a VW Beetle and create a textured pattern.
I like the dark and dramatic feel of these images and the change in sizes of the objects, I really like the way that they have been positioned as they work together and they create a really strong and effective hierarchy with the white space it allows for the viewer to view the work easily and successfully.
I feel that the colours are really successful in this design, I like how the eye is pulled into the drawing due to the position and way that the characters have been positioned and place as it makes the viewer look at what the artist wants them to see subtly.