Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Useful Links

These are some useful links which will help give me information about both Camper Vans and Bugs. It looks into the history about each of them and gives imagery for me to relate back too.

-this site is good for events, videos and news and I can follow and track their blog also as I am working through my project and use information to help create research and support my designs and ideas.

- this website is great for opinions and reviews of the classic Beetle, it is going to stress the good and the bad and it will allow me to compare both the old and the new and build up an image of what the customers and audience prefer and think of each. 

- gives a history of Volkswagen and a list of cars, history which influenced the designs and the cars and years in which they were produced.

- helps give a clear understanding of the VW bug, it shows the changes and developments that it went through and supports this with a wide range of imagery, it also shows the bug develop from the original to the modern day VW Bug.

-this is dedicated to VW's and is going to be one of the strongest influences towards my project as it gives up to date news, a wide range of images, events which I could get involved with and go along to and I feel the overall style and feel of this website is going to help me connect and relate to my target audience.