For this post, I found the imagery from off of the Facebook group Volkswagen, ( ) in which I decided to join because they give really good information about all of their cars and it allows for people across the world to share their own images of their cars and interact with one another which allows for many discussions to take place, some which is relevant for my project.
Below are a selection of images which have been added to this Facebook group by people from all around the world. I have chosen images that are relevant to my project and I feel that this has been a very successful element to my project as I have found images produced in a style that will be very suitable to include within my brochure, as I love the appearance of them as it's going to help set the overall feel of my brochure.
I like the setting of the environment that these cars are in, I feel that creative typefaces could be used with this image to show the age of the photograph and connect a range of images together within the brochure and join up the DPS's.
I love the vibrant colours of these camper vans and the blurred movement within the image as it draws focus towards the orange camper van and I feel it shows a fun side to the vans and it engages the audience.
I included this image because I liked the textural appearance to it, and it made me think of ways in which I could engage my brochure with my target audience and how I could use block printing techniques and stamp this onto the pages of my DPS's or use the image as a diagram. It has made me think about the different styles of design and how experimental I can be.
This is an image of the modern day Beetle which has been done up to resemble Herbie. I feel I could include this image and the original Herbie towards the end of the brochure to show how the car has changed over the years and how people are still reflecting back to the older VW Beetle.
A classic VW Beetle in white, I feel I could edit this image in Photshop by cutting out the VW and editing it so that it has more of an aged look, I also feel I could position images like this along the bottom of my brochure to add more visual interest to my pages or act as a timeline. I could cut out a Beetle from each time of development and change and use this as a visual timeline for the audience to clearly see the how they have developed over time.
I love how this image has been taken and composed, I feel the black and white is effective and makes the image appear stronger, I feel this image might be stronger if it had a slight hint of colour from the original photo just to make it stand out more and draw the eye into the photo more.
This is an advertisement poster for VW, I included it to show the shape of the new model Beetle from a side profile and to show how they have layered up the background and techniques that they have used and the colour scheme.
I love this Beetle's colour and the environment in which the mage has been taken. This image would work well with many other images that I have found from this page in which I can edit and cut to create a successful design within my brochure.
I also like how this image has been photographed and I feel that I could edit it in Photoshop by applying different filters so that it could be quite effective and work for my brochure.
I included this image because I like the black and white effect as it gives strong contrasts and tones.
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The images below have all been photographed in a style which I feel strongly represents the style and feel that I want to include and base my brochure design around. I really like the antique look as you can see on all of these photos as this really does show age and how old the bugs are. This has been one of my strongest parts of my research as it will influence me and help with my design and
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I love this image, the colours are very strong and vibrant and I feel it will work and look very successfully within my brochure, I also think that with this image, I can be quite experimental by adding typography and playing around with the typeface choices.
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I feel this photography is very strong and striking, it instantly grabbed my attention from off of the Facebook page by the way it pulls yours eyes in and the editing that has been applied to it. The dramatic sky in black and white is effective as it contrasts against the tarmac and it feels as if it is moving therefore this helps with the perspective.
This is a very old photo that someone has scanned in, I felt that this image would be suitable to post on my blog because I like how it is very old, the use of the original photograph printed out and the discoloured look, use of black and white and the crumpled up appearance. This would be appropriate to include within my brochure as it shows the age of the photo and I feel it would help emphasise the age of the Beetles, I could Photoshop this image so that it works more effectively within my designs.
I love this image as I like the crowd of people stood watching the Beetles, I feel this shows a strong connection between them and I think that it will work well within my brochure as I can find relevant text to support this image.
I like the overall effect and appearance of this photo. However, I feel that it isn't going to be overly effective for my DPS's because it is too grey and washed out, however, a creative typeface might be quite effective.
I like the shape of this Beetle and I feel that I could maybe include it in with my brochure to show how the shapes of the Beetles changed and developed over time.
I included this image because I felt that I could cut and edit the Beetle out in Photoshop and build up a page of imagery within the brochure.
I love this photo as the colour of the Beetle is very strong and the overall appearance of it with the snow and the bridge. I feel that I could edit this photo in Photoshop by possibly making everything around the Beetle black and white so that the Beetle stands out.
I feel that this is quite a strong photo and if I were to cut this Beetle out, I could incorporate it in with many other Beetles from this Facebook page and produce a strong visually appealing page design within my brochure.
I love the composition of this photo, how it has been taken and the use of black and white as it is very dramatic and with holds a lot of power.
I love the colour and appearance of this Camper Van, I think I could cut out this image and it would sit effectively and very strongly within the brochure across one side of a DPS, it could act either as a diagram or I could use it as a print or pattern texture for the background of one of the pages.
I love the photography of this image as it is very striking, dramatic and powerful, the way in which it has been taken and edited draws the viewer into the image as there is a lot of perspective and depth to the image. The colour scheme is very natural and dark which works well with the setting and sets a great feel to the image. I feel images similar to this of VW Beetles would be quite successful with my brochure design.
Overall, I feel that there are a great selection of images here which can and will definitely influence my project and be included within the DPS's. I love the photography used and how it has been shot with the lighting effects and shadows, I love how some images have been edited to make the images more dramatic and I feel that this engages with the viewer more, I also like the original images from people, the effects of the old film cameras and the content and environment of all The VW Beetles as these images will be great to edit and work with in Photoshop.