Here, I will include screen shots of my current progress with the pages of my book - 24/05/11
Front Cover
(Not finished and undecided whether this imagery will be used, title needs to be included)
Opening Page
(Title page of book, my photography, typeface reflects entire book typeface choice, appearance of page is reflecting the aged to the modern in appearance and feel - grunge to shiny)
(Page needs text positioning alteration)
Quote Page
(Reflection of the outline of a car with a powerful quote about Volkswagen Beetles - positivity and a simple, innovative page design)
(Fully Finished Page)
Contents Page
(Simpel, effective, clear to read the titles of the pages and has a strong hierarchy, one of my strongest pages)
(Fully Finished Page)
Introduction Page
(Quote about Volkswagen Beetles, strong hierarchy and aged appearance, feel that there might be too much space top RHS)
(Page needs re-looking at but is mainly finished)
History Page
(Specific imagery used - relates to text and draws the audience's eyes into the page, text wrap has been made along with appropriate drop shadows)
(Fully Finished Page)
Checklist Page
(Not all graphics have come through - hence the patchy areas) (I have used my experiment practicals and used them as sticky notes which hold the information on, this makes the bullet points visually more interesting to the audience and easier to read, created a layered up effect with appropriate imagery according to the text)
(Fully Finished Page)
KdF Wagen Page
(I have used images which were used in a German newspaper from the time that the KdF Wagen was being built, the text is easy to read and is easy to move around and through the page, simple yet creative design and is starting to fade away the aged look)
(Fully Finished Page)
British Page
(This is one of my strongest pages I think, the imagery is strong, modern yet aged slightly in feel and appearance, makes good use of the space and has a strong hierarchy. Good use of my experiment scans and relates back to previous pages, strong use of text wrap and chosen typefaces)
(Fully Finished Page)
Heinz Nordhoff Page
(This page is still being produced and designed, I am having to design it so that it starts to look more modern and clean in visual design and I am trying to create a strong connection between images and text and to flow it between the pages so that it has a smooth transaction between the design changes)
Herbie Page
(This is one of my favourite pages as it is a strong contrast among the pages and looks very clean, crisp and fun, it reflects Herbie effectively and the content is easy to read and is suitable for my target audience and topic)
(Fully Finished Page)
1998 Beetle
(I love this page, I feel I have successfully captured the personality of this Beetle and have shown it well throughout the page, this page is going to connect with my audience, another quote for the Beetle, contrasts between the opening pages)
(Fully Finished Page)
Cabriolet Page
(With this page, I have used the pages as a mirror to mirror both the content and imagery, page flows on from the previous page strongly, also the page as a whole is strong and effective for the purpose of the book for change as the audience can compare the two right in front of them easily)
(Fully FInished Page)
2012 Beetle
(Really strong DPS, crisp, clean imagery and execution of the page, great advertising for the new Beetle and relates really well to my book and overall project, inspire people for Beetles, mixture of modern with aged look, very subtle)
(Fully Finished Page)
Show Page
(Not all graphics have come through - hence missing graphic) (Textured page, text is clear to read, easily see the contrast between the two era's, my photography - contrast between opening and closing pages, I feel this is effective)
(Fully Finished Page)
Back Cover
(I'm undecided what to include on this page, I need to write up appropriate text about my book for the blurb and need to keep it very simple in design, plain background with above line drawings???)
Above are screen shots of my book so far in its development stages, there are far more images and more detail developments in my sketchbook
Some pages above are completely finished as I am really happy with how they appear and I feel that they relate to my target audience and communicate the message that I intend to put across and deliver.
Other pages I feel are nearly there, but just need tweaking in areas to make them stronger and sit better visually on the page.
Other pages I need to completely finish and blend them in with the rest of the book design so that they are suitable.
Overall, I am really very happy with the appearance and the feel that I have created within my book, I feel that you can see the effect that I have produced throughout and I think it is very successful and will work with the target audience.